sabato 19 novembre 2011

Information Gathering (WebSite Copier) WebHTTrack VS httrack (created video)

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Phases of a penetration test 
A PenTest has got 4 steps:
1. Information Gathering
2. Scanning 
3. Explotation
4. Maintaining Access

The first step is the most important,The more time you spend collecting information on your target, the more lately you are to be successfull in later phases.

The first program I used is a "Website Copier", at the moment I am still in the first phase.
From Linux Ubuntu 11.10 I run "Webhttrack".
click on the following link, it is a tutorial step by step.

From Linux BackTrack 5 I run "httrack" from the shell.
It's interesting "httrack" because if you know the commands list, it's possible to create some scripts.

In the following link is the commands guide.

And now the video:


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