giovedì 24 novembre 2011

Google Hacking (Information Gathering)

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Hi everyone,
Google provides "directives" which are easy to use and help us to get more information.
If you click the following link you can download the book 
googlehackers Book 
created by Johnny Long.
I've found it running on Google: "filetype:pdf jonny Long Google hacking".
I created  3 videos with some examples....

"site:  record" (force to search on "Politecnico di Torino" University site the word "record").

" italy" (force to search "Italy" on CNN site)

 allintitle: Italy 2011 (Hack to search the list of sites with all keywords you entered )

inurl: spaghetti (search all sites with at least one keywords you entered )

" italy" (force to search "Italy" on CNN site)

" italy" (Use google cache, it's good to cover traces )

" filetype:xls password" (Looking for in the Google Cache  xls files called password)

sabato 19 novembre 2011

Information Gathering (WebSite Copier) WebHTTrack VS httrack (created video)

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Phases of a penetration test 
A PenTest has got 4 steps:
1. Information Gathering
2. Scanning 
3. Explotation
4. Maintaining Access

The first step is the most important,The more time you spend collecting information on your target, the more lately you are to be successfull in later phases.

The first program I used is a "Website Copier", at the moment I am still in the first phase.
From Linux Ubuntu 11.10 I run "Webhttrack".
click on the following link, it is a tutorial step by step.

From Linux BackTrack 5 I run "httrack" from the shell.
It's interesting "httrack" because if you know the commands list, it's possible to create some scripts.

In the following link is the commands guide.

And now the video:


sabato 12 novembre 2011

10 actions whit Penetration Tester Distribution Linux BackTrack (3 videos created)

Invite Angelo Luciani on Linkedin

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Hi Guys,
I want to talk about "url ref".

My ex-officemate opened "url ref" from:
I have inserted "XXXXX" for privacy.
Thank you guys to follow me :-D !!!!
The second "" is a "ref Spam".
The scoop of this link is to stole passwords and other codes.
More information on :


I used BackTrack "revolution" distro from Ubuntu Oneiric.
In the previous post I wrote how to set up the latest VMPLAYER on Oneiric.

Log in as root:
default name: root
default password: toor

You can start GUI runnig the command on the shell:

BackTrack does not come with networking enable so you need to re-start it.

Open the terminal and write:

ifconfig -a

This command show you available interfaces.
The "lo" interface is your loop back interface.
The "eth1" is the first internet card.

To turn on the network card you have to enter in the shell:

ifconfig eth1 up

"ifconfig" is a Linux command that means "I want to configure my network interface"  and "up" mean "turn on it".

I have created 3 videos in "youtube" HD format:

1) Power on /start up Backtrack
2) Log in with the default user name and password
3) Start X (GUI)
4) View all network interfaces 
5) Turn up the desidered network interface
6) Assign an Ip Address Manually
7) View the manually ip Assigned
8) Using  using command line interface too
WHOIS    get information to target_domain
HOST      translate HOST in IP address

9) Assign an ip address through DHCP
10) View the dynamically assigned address

It's possible to Reboot the machine using command line interface too.
The command are:
It is comfortable, in my opinion .
Thanks to everyone.
Angelo Luciani

Invite Angelo Luciani on Linkedin

Follow Angelo Luciani on Twitter

p.s: mahal kita mahal ko !!

mercoledì 9 novembre 2011

Install the latest VMPlayer on Ubuntu 11.10 «Oneiric Ocelot»

Hi all,
Today I show you how to install the latest "VMplayer" on  Ubuntu 11.10 «Oneiric Ocelot»
Ok let's Go!

"VMplayer" is important because we use it to run "Linux BackTrack" (Take a look to previous post).
You can download "VMware-Player-4.0.0-471780.x86_64.bundle" from .
Register if you do not already have an account. .... The installation file(s) can be downloaded as many times as you want.
Just do the following:

Go to the terminal -> Go to the location of the file

Type: >chmod +x <file name>

Now you type: >sudo ./<file name>

You should see an graphical VMware installer, just follow the steps. After the installation you'll find the launchers in your "System Tools"

domenica 6 novembre 2011

The Operative System for Penetration testing

Hi all,
I'm back, today I'd like to talk about Penetration Testing.

I read "Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit, Third Edition" and I really enjoy it.
I recommend to you if you are interested on Testing.
This book explains the steps to make a good Penetration Test and how to write documentations.

If you want to perform a Pen Test the right instrument is Linux Back Track.
In the following link, you can get a "ISO".
When I saw the first time BackTrack distribution I thought "It's like Matrix, a lot of Army"
  Below a short video when I Run Back Track 5 from Linux Natty 11.04.

See you sooner
Angelo Luciani